Awen Organics is helping to rebuild local food economies

We believe that changing the way we produce and distribute food is fundamental to solving the world’s most pressing social and ecological problems.

About Awen Organics

We are a 25 Organic farm growing high-quality fresh vegetables in North Pembrokeshire. ​ We grow a wide array of vegetables throughout the year using organic and agroecological principles. Our farming practices are deeply sustainable and regenerative - this goes far beyond using no herbicides, pesticides or synthetic fertilisers.

Our farm is a healthy, diverse and resilient ecosystem, full of life from the soil to the sky. We have planted thousands of trees in orchards, woodland and hedgerows and created diverse, intricate habitats that are home to all kinds of insects, plants and animals. We carefully steward our soils to create natural fertility that is the foundation of delicious, nutrient dense food.

We select the varieties we grow for flavor, diversity and suitability to our land and we pick everything fresh to order, almost always on the day of delivery. This means our produce tastes amazing and comes packed with the minerals and vitality of healthy, living soil.

Fair prices for farmers and artisan food producers is vital

We pay our suppliers at least 50% of the retail value for any products we buy in, and when dealing with wholesalers, we check to make sure they pay fair prices to their growers.

The benefits of buying local

Local food supports local economies. Food grown in the local community supports local jobs and encourages variety in our diets. It also requires less transportation, so it's fresher and has a smaller environmental footprint.

Fresher food

Reduced food miles

Support local jobs

Respect for the food system

Fewer preservatives

Better value for money

Reduced packaging

Awen Organics put biodiversity and health at the center of their farm and have created a wonderful, vibrant, nourishing ecology which produces amazing vegetables. I don't think you could get more sustainable than this!

— Sofia

We've got some great people

Meet some of our committed Awen Organics crew who work hard to bring you the tastiest local food.

Get started!

Your first box is only a few clicks away. Get a box of fresh, local food in your kitchen soon, packed with care and supporting your local farmers and artisan producers.